ISO 45001:2018

The ISO 45001: 2018 certificate defines the standards for occupational health and safety management. It regulates issues related to the principles of occupational health and safety, as well as is the basis for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases. It is a guarantee of a healthy and safe workplace. At Horizont Global, employees are the most important link in the entire organization, therefore providing them with top-level jobs is a priority of internal policy.

The basis for the introduction of ISO 45001: 2018 is the implementation of the PDCA cycle: Plan-Do-Check-Act. Thanks to this certificate, we can promote good and healthy health and safety practices. 

The implementation of the assumptions of the ISO 45001: 2018 certificate results from the adopted internal development policy, which takes into account a number of changes improving the quality of work in the company. Constantly developing our services, we also refine the safety standards of our employees - both in the office and on the premises. Thanks to this, we can be sure that all threats have been minimized.

HG ISO 45001_2018